Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts
Friday, August 20, 2010
TMZ goes easy on drug pushing medical doctor criminals
This post is in response to the TMZ article "ADDERALL may have unhinged.."
Dr. Sober Companion wants to know: Why is TMZ going easy on drug pushing MD's who make their prescription pad available to celebrity and wealthy addicts?
Instead of coming right out to just say that MD's who prescribe ADDERALL for the catch all attention deficit hyperactivty disorder (ADHD), which makes addicts out of children, who are required to be using to attend school, they only used the celebrity tie in, which makes the epidemic seem isolated to the rich and famous.
If Medical Doctor and teacher across the United States order it, they must know whats right for your children? Right?
While MD's keep a waiting room full of newly addicted children, the teachers just want an easy teaching job, where children are doped up on drugs, and made into young addicted zombies (yaz)
Now back to TMZ, who went lightly on the mention of MD's misdiagnosing ADDERALL drug addict celebrity convict lindsay lohan.
When situations like this arise, where the spotlight is shining on information that you are not supposed to know about; about the pharmaceutical industry coming up with ingenius fake diagnosis to push their drugs and make billions while addicting new customers every day.
Its not a misdiagnosis, but it is a fraud on the American public.
A fraud and negligence that turns your children into drug addicts while you pay for the doctor visit and the prescription that addicts your children.
Snap out of the spell that makes you think that medical doctors and teachers know whats right for your children.
The harshest reality that TMZ points out, and makes little use of, is that medical doctors know that ADDERALL is just a prescription version of coccaine or methamphetamine.
TMZ continues to point out that medical doctors also prescribe AMBIEN, so the drug addicts high on ADDERALL can get to sleep.
TMZ, you got it all wrong. Its not just an isolated bad medical diagnosis, its fraud against the american public.
Some idiots still believe that marijuana is the gateway drug.
Dear mom and dad,
Open your eyes to this fraud against you and your children. Stop the pharmaceutical companies and medical doctors from dumping drugs into your childrens mouths. You must put your foot down, once and for all.
You may have gotten the message in time to save your children before its to late.
Dr. Sober Companion is mad as hell, and needs your support against the pharmaceutical industry.
While the medical doctors are the pushers in this fraudulent scheme, and very much complicent, its the makers of these drugs that need to be stopped.
The fraud does not stop with drug makers and medical doctors.
The FDA also needs a severe scrubbing and investigation into how the deep pocketed pharmaceutical industry bribed and paid the FDA to look the other way to allowing pharmaceutical coccaine and methamphetamine
into your local Walmart, Target and Costco pharmacies?
Teachers unions as well as individual teachers are also part of the fraudulent scheme of bringing drugs into the school.
Questions for teachers:
Have you no shame?
How can you sleep at night, knowing what you did to the children?
You gave them an education in drug addiction that will stick with them for the rest of their lives.
The media has kept quiet as well, because the pharmaceutical industry is so important to their budgets. Biased media is part of the fraudulent scheme against you and your children.
Now think about scenarios like this:
Yes, the pilot who crashed the plane tested positive for drug use, but he had a prescription.
Yes, the driver that killed dozens was a drug addict, but he also had a prescription.
Yes, the children who killed their classmates and then killed themselves were on medications, but they did have a prescription.
Do you get the point that Dr. Sober Companion is trying to make? Dr. Sober Companion is trying to save your childrens life, and you from grief and guilt.
While TMZ's article only discussed ADDERALL and AMBIEN, there are drugs like ritalin that also are being prescribed to your children, and have the same effects in making your children addicted.
Dr. Sober Companion is here when you need us.
dr.sober companion,
Friday, July 9, 2010
Lindsay Lohan - prescription drug user for as long as she can remember
Lindsay Lohan - prescription drug user for as long as she can remember
Its not every day that dr. sober companion has access to a random drug test of a celebrity, unless of course they are clients of dr. sober companion. It is really unbelievable the access that the press and public have to peoples private information. Then again, you lose your rights if you are arrested and convicted.
Isn't that reason enough to hire a sober companion, to keep your name out of the press, and to keep your ass out of jail? We think you will agree, that the information that websites like TMZ got on Lyndsay Lohan is way to much.
We used to rely on drug addicts to supply us with the names of the current medications of choice, but now we know that celebrities like Lyndsay Lohan are being prescribed Ambien and Adderall, and Dilaudid -- an extremely powerful painkiller ... often compared to morphine ... and even heroin.
The information that we are getting is from TMZ, who has various sources, including Lindsay Lohan's probation officer, who made a report that lists 5 drugs Lindsay Lohan is allowed to take, under the terms of probation.
The 5 drugs are:
Zoloft (antidepressant)
Trazodone (antidepressant)
Adderall (amphetamine stimulant to control ADHD)
Nexium (acid reflux)
Dilaudid (opiate pain killer) DENTAL PAIN?
Judge Marsha Revel appointed Dr. Kaushal Sharma to evaluate Lindsay Lohan, and then make recommendations to the court.
If you compare the drugs Lyndsay Lohan is allowed, to celebrities who overdosed, or just plain common drug addicts, the thing that sets them apart is access to prescriptions, ability to buy them or have someone buy for them, and ability to try and fool the public.
Enablers of celebrities, like parents and friends, will not try and stop the addict if they want to continue receiving their allowances or whatever else they get in return for looking the other way. If you consider the statement "The defendant indicates she has been on the same prescription medication for as long as she can remember.", and you consider the fact that Lyndsay is still very young and in her twenties, it must have been her mother that originally helped her obtain the prescriptions and medical care. Any minor, must have their parents permission to be treated. Why would a parent allow their child amphetamines and opiates?
Dr. sober companion will help our clients to test negative for opiates and amphetamines because we remove all drugs and alcohol and remove all replacement drugs which have the same properties as street drugs, but are much more potent. A parent must be fooling themselves if they are talked into accepting replacement therapy drugs as a way to help their children, by medical doctors. READ THE DRUG TEST! POSITIVE FOR AMPHETAMINES AND POSITIVE FOR OPIATES!
Stop being so gullible to a medical doctors recommendations that you are helping your children. The only way to test negative for drug and alcohol use is to remove everything and totally abstain.
Medical proof for prescription drug use, is a lie perpetrated by the medical industry, which is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Submitting your children to random drug tests that you know damn well beforehand that the test will be positive, is a cruel joke played on your children. Dear Parents, are you that cruel to your children?
Are you that stupid?
Its not every day that dr. sober companion has access to a random drug test of a celebrity, unless of course they are clients of dr. sober companion. It is really unbelievable the access that the press and public have to peoples private information. Then again, you lose your rights if you are arrested and convicted.
Isn't that reason enough to hire a sober companion, to keep your name out of the press, and to keep your ass out of jail? We think you will agree, that the information that websites like TMZ got on Lyndsay Lohan is way to much.
We used to rely on drug addicts to supply us with the names of the current medications of choice, but now we know that celebrities like Lyndsay Lohan are being prescribed Ambien and Adderall, and Dilaudid -- an extremely powerful painkiller ... often compared to morphine ... and even heroin.
The information that we are getting is from TMZ, who has various sources, including Lindsay Lohan's probation officer, who made a report that lists 5 drugs Lindsay Lohan is allowed to take, under the terms of probation.
The 5 drugs are:
Zoloft (antidepressant)
Trazodone (antidepressant)
Adderall (amphetamine stimulant to control ADHD)
Nexium (acid reflux)
Dilaudid (opiate pain killer) DENTAL PAIN?
Judge Marsha Revel appointed Dr. Kaushal Sharma to evaluate Lindsay Lohan, and then make recommendations to the court.
If you compare the drugs Lyndsay Lohan is allowed, to celebrities who overdosed, or just plain common drug addicts, the thing that sets them apart is access to prescriptions, ability to buy them or have someone buy for them, and ability to try and fool the public.
Enablers of celebrities, like parents and friends, will not try and stop the addict if they want to continue receiving their allowances or whatever else they get in return for looking the other way. If you consider the statement "The defendant indicates she has been on the same prescription medication for as long as she can remember.", and you consider the fact that Lyndsay is still very young and in her twenties, it must have been her mother that originally helped her obtain the prescriptions and medical care. Any minor, must have their parents permission to be treated. Why would a parent allow their child amphetamines and opiates?
Dr. sober companion will help our clients to test negative for opiates and amphetamines because we remove all drugs and alcohol and remove all replacement drugs which have the same properties as street drugs, but are much more potent. A parent must be fooling themselves if they are talked into accepting replacement therapy drugs as a way to help their children, by medical doctors. READ THE DRUG TEST! POSITIVE FOR AMPHETAMINES AND POSITIVE FOR OPIATES!
Stop being so gullible to a medical doctors recommendations that you are helping your children. The only way to test negative for drug and alcohol use is to remove everything and totally abstain.
Medical proof for prescription drug use, is a lie perpetrated by the medical industry, which is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Submitting your children to random drug tests that you know damn well beforehand that the test will be positive, is a cruel joke played on your children. Dear Parents, are you that cruel to your children?
Are you that stupid?
Friday, August 21, 2009
drugs to stay up all night. nurse jackie teaches us how nurses and doctors can stay up on double shifts

Edie Falko as Drug Addicted hospital worker Nurse Jackie
Nurse Jackie Peyton is a drug addicted hospital nurse. I always wondered how emergency room hospital staff could pull off double and triple shifts. RN's, MD's, and Interns get the pep from prescription pills. Is this that far from the truth, or just a TV show?Do we really need to be wary of the doctors and nurses who are supposed to be saving our lives, while high on prescription drugs, themselves? Unless you hire a sober companion like dr. sober companion, the answer is YES.
Do Hospital medical staff from around the country have super human abilities where they don't require sleep to do life saving jobs? There must be some explanation for their super powers to stay awake and alert, and now we know its the prescription drugs that have been the reason for the miraculous powers.
Dr. Sober Companion has stated many times that many health care givers and rehab staff are either DRUG ADDICTS or so called RECOVERING DRUG ADDICTS. Is this who you want to trust the life of your son or daughter with?
There is laws in place for potential abusers like truck drivers who are bound by a log that charts how much rest they have had, and DOT make it against the law to drive without sleep. Has the medical profession kept this a secret, or is their HUGE records of drug abuse amongst medical workers?
As an ER nurse, Nurse Jackie navigates the rough waters of a crumbling healthcare system, doing everything she can to provide her patients with the best care possible. Whether Nurse Jackie’s lighting into a smug doctor for failing to heed her advice, or stealing a fat money clip from a man who stabbed a prostitute and giving it to a pregnant widow, or forging the organ donor card of a man who just died, Nurse Jackie Peyton is compelled to make sense of the chaos and to level the playing field whenever she can. Right or wrong, it’s Nurse Jackie’s brand of justice all made that more manageable by a daily diet of prescription pain medication.
dr. howard samuels of wonderland clinic is a recovering drug addict, and so are most rehab workers and most sober companions (ALL EXCEPT DR. SOBER COMPANION) do you really want to trust the others with your son or daughters life?
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