Tiger Woods Press Conference
Tiger Woods will soon need to make a press conferencce to explain the misdirection and silence for lies and deceit to the public and his family. Tiger Woods cannot have a very private life and be a famous celebrity at the same time. Does tiger woods need dr. sober companion to keep an eye on him and remove the enablers from his life? Does dr. sober companion need to go on suicide watch for tiger woods?
Tiger Woods Knee Injury caused drug addiction to painkillers
Tiger woods maybe a drug addict of pain killer pharmaceuticals, prescribed by another drug pushing medical doctor, who can't say no to a celebrity. Before and After the painful knee surgery, tiger woods may have never stopped taking the pain killers. dr. sober companion could have been called upon to help.
tiger woods leads a very private life, when he is not being televised golfing, or endorsing a product. Now, the cat is out of the bag, and he must start coming clean to his addiction to pharmaceutical drugs and pain he has caused his family because of the drugs and bad decision making.
(please note: not all of the images of knee surgery are tiger woods, but are used as an artistic explanation of how serious and painful knee surgery is. knee surgery could have lead to the primary drug addiction of tiger woods)

How did tiger woods really injure his knee?
The new york daily news first brought to the publics attention, the possibility that tiger woods might have been covering up for how is knee injury really happened, when they wrote:
"There is not a lot known about ACL injuries in golf, because it isn't common," Altchek said.
tiger woods claims to have injured himself while jogging in 2007, but experts say there could be more to the story. "You wouldn't normally hurt your ACL just jogging," said Dr. Rich D'Agostino, chief of orthopedic surgery at St. Francis Hospital and a Yankees assistant physician. "You would have to have a fall or twist."
Was tiger woods lying about his knee injury? What really happened in this cover up? How long has tiger woods been taking pain medication for the knee pain?
Mark Steinberg is an enabler
One thing is certain, and that is tiger woods agent at IMG Mark Steinberg is an enabler, who became one of the tiger woods entourage. Could Mark Steinberg, who saw his golden boy client struggle to walk and grimace with pain have taken charge and advise his client against continuing to play in pain? Thats when Mark Steinberg became an enabler, however it could have started much earlier.

The PGA are enablers
It is a known fact, that without tiger woods competing, more than half the audience won't watch. "Tiger Woods is an enormous attraction, there's no denying that". The PGA's decision to keep tiger woods playing, was the wrong decision for their super star. The PGA knew that this was tiger woods third surgery in five years on his left knee. The whole world watched tiger woods in the PGA tournaments. Tiger Woods revealed he has been playing for at least 10 months with a torn ligament in his left knee, and that he suffered a double stress fracture in his left leg two weeks before the U.S. Open. Tiger Woods didn't say anything about the torn ACL or the stress fractures, even though we all watched him limp and in clear pain. Tiger Woods wouldn't say how he was treating it, only that it was more sore as the week went on. Could this have been an indication that he was treating the pain with pharmaceutical pain killers?
The PGA could have stopped tiger woods from playing injured. But the pain intensified through the Masters, where he finished second, and Woods said the cartilage damage developed from the ACL injury. He bypassed surgery on the torn ligament April 15, hopeful that by cleaning out the cartilage he could make it through the year. What he didn't anticipate were the stress fractures as he tried to get ready for the Memorial.
What kind of medication was tiger woods on, to play with ligament damage, cartilage fragments and several fractures to his knees? The PGA could have stopped the insanity of seeing their golden boy in pain, but continued to allow him to play.
(I suddenly remember the rule of not allowing players to ride in golf carts, and how some players with disabilities sued the PGA.)

Tiger Woods Knee Surgery
June 18, 2008: On his website, Tiger Woods announced that he would undergo ACL surgery and would miss the remainder of the PGA Tour season.1

Tiger Woods Knee Surgery

Tiger Woods Knee Surgery
Tiger Woods had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee on april 15, 2008. The procedure was performed at Healthsouth Medical Center in Park City, Utah.

All drug addicts and their families know, when they are under the influence of narcotics, lives are ruined. tiger woods is no exception, and may have succumbed just as michael jackson and countless others to something that started off small, as a result of an injury, and escalated to the destruction of a career and family, let alone all the endorsement money for keeping such an apparently clean lifestyle.
tiger woods can rebound
tiger woods must remove the enablers
tiger woods must begin by removing the enablers in his life, that let things slide because they continued to benefit from him, and did not want to rock the boat. Those people in tiger woods life enabled him by keeping silent, and this may have included his wife elin, his manager mark steinberg, the PGA, and even his caddy, who walked with tiger and saw him in discomfort and pain.
Will tiger woods lose his family?
At what cost will the fiasco end? Will the fiasco cost tiger woods his beautiful wife and children?

tiger woods beautiful wife elin
what other problems arose in tiger woods personal life as a result of the pain medication that tiger woods might have become addicted to?
Will tiger woods lose his children? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
Will tiger woods save his marriage, and save his children? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
Will tiger woods push his wife elin away, or return to her? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
Is tiger woods mother an enabler? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
How beautiful is this baby of tiger woods? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?
tiger woods leads a very private life, when he is not being televised golfing, or endorsing a product. Now, the cat is out of the bag, and he must start coming clean to his addiction to pharmaceutical drugs and pain he has caused his family because of the drugs and bad decision making.

How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children?

tiger woods crying on the golf course

Did tiger woods life become chaotic because of the knee pain? How much has this painkiller drug addiction affected the tiger woods family of a beautiful wife and children? Does tiger woods need dr. sober companion? DO you need dr. sober companion, before your life gets out of hand?