At the dr. sober companion offices, we were trying to figure out why dr. drew pinsky came out so quickly with a statement about his work with dj am. (Adam Goldstein)

Was this pre-emptive because of a prescription pill bottle found next to the dead body of dj am Adam Goldstein, that may have been prescribed with dr. drew pinsky's name as the prescribing doctor written on it?
DJ AM, whose real name was Adam Goldstein, was found dead in his apartment Friday evening. A crack pipe and prescription pills were found in the Manhattan apartment, said a law enforcement official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.
Dr. Drew Pinsky made some startling comments to the Associated Press writer Colleen Long, that were very alarming to us at dr. sober companion.
Dr. Drew Pinsky made such hastily made quick statements, which may have caused more damage, than the damage control, that dr. drew pinsky was trying to erase.
"pain medications likely led disc jockey DJ AM, a former drug addict who died suddenly Friday, away from his sober path." "It very slowly and subtly reawakens addiction"
Dr. Drew Pinsky said: "I'm not saying it was inappropriately prescribed, I'm saying he didn't know the risks." Was this statement because Dr. Drew Pinsky prescribed the pain medications?

Dr. Drew Pinsky is the host of VH1's "Celebrity Rehab," where he helps troubled stars get off of drugs and alcohol. He has a zero percent success rate as all of the celebrities relapsed, and should not be labeled the national expert on drug addiction.
While we are uncertain of Dr. Drew Pinsky's involvement as a consultant of a new TV show about drug addiction on MTV, that DJ AM had just finished, it is more than possible that Dr. Drew Pinsky and Adam Goldstein were working very closely.
The show centered on rehab, was to start airing in October on MTV, and was called "Gone Too Far," featuring Adam Goldstein staging interventions with young people battling their own addictions. MTV said it has not decided on the show's future.
Dr. Drew Pinsky said of Adam Goldstein, he had long preached sobriety and openly discussed his earlier addictions to drugs including crack cocaine and Ecstasy with me.
It was based on DJ AM's previous addiction, that startled us the most about dr. drew pinsky's statement:
"I am a recovering drug addict. When I see it and I'm in their room and the paraphernalia and the whole lifestyle and everything, I still, 11 years later, have that little thing in my head that starts thinking, 'Oh, where's that? I wonder what that is?'"

"Dr. Drew Pinsky laughed at the notion that being close to addicts may have caused Adam Goldstein to relapse, even though Adam Goldstein admitted to the associated press of being terrified at watching people go through harrowing addictions and it made him recall his own battles.
Being in a room full of addicts, drives the addict to think about using every day. Even if an addict, has not used in several years. Once exposed to drug talk, he cannot resist. This is why dr. sober companion is against 12 step, and removing enablers and especially a room full of addicts from the environment of our clients, who are all talking about drugs and their addictions.

We are in shock, how insensitive dr. drew pinsky is to the cold reality that group therapy encourages drug use. For him to laugh at the notion is irresponsible and just plain ignorant to us.

Now it has come to light, that dr. Drew may have played a part in the overdose death of yet another young person.
What we have learned about dr. drew pinsky and his methods, through recent comments made by dr. Drew pinsky in the news prove his methods don't work, and are actually harmful to anyone who tries them. re: Pinsky laughed at the notion that being close to addicts may have caused Goldstein to relapse.
Dr. Sober Companion strongly disagrees with dr. drew pinsky who laughs at the notion that as part of an addicts prescribed treatment, where the addict is placed in a room full of other addicts , he says, this won't cause someone like dj am, to return to his desire for drug use.
Dr. sober companion would also, never ever send a drug addict to someone trying to quit. Dr. Sober companion would keep all enablers including friends and family away from the client we are trying to help. Unlike the failed techniques of dr. drew pinsky who said: "DJ AM was a very supportive recovery person."
Now I have to refresh your memory about what dr. drew pinsky was involved in, concerning the deaths and rapes of several patients.
When Alex Clyburn entered Las Encinas, a clinical registered nurse at the facility told the family he would be monitored every 15 minutes in the hours after he was admitted, but his mother said that didn't happen. According to the Los Angeles Times, the mental health worker involved in Clyburn's case has since been fired.
"He was absolutely not checked on every 15 minutes," said Arline Clyburn. "We left him at 10 p.m. in the evening. He was at 7:15 in the morning found stiff, rigid and unresponsive in his room lying in his bed.
"The paramedics called and arrived and pronounced him stiff and rigid and they didn't even perform CPR, and at 7:45 he was pronounced dead."
Clyburn said that one of the reasons the family chose Las Encinas was her son's admiration for Pinsky after watching the first season of "Celebrity Rehab."
"I picked it because of a couple of things, one of which was the professional people who were experts in chemical dependency, and our son had been watching Dr. Drew Pinsky's program on TV and was very impressed with his level of success," she said. "He was considered a national expert. "
"I think Dr. Drew is responsible for the quality of care on that unit and he should have known that there needed to be corrections made," said Clyburn, who said she plans to sue the hosptial for malpractice.
"I hold him responsible for my son's death, yes."Dr. Sober companion is against this method of placing one vulnerable drug addict in a room with other drug addicts. This method was made popular by 12 step programs such as AA and NA.
Dr. Sober companions method of total abstinence from drugs and alcohol as well as complete removal from enablers, is the only sure way to keep an addict alive.
Dr. Sober companion also provides 24 hour supervision, which prevents suicide attempts, and self destruction activities. Dr. Sober Companion could have saved the life of DJ AM. Its to late for him, but it is not to late for your son or daughter.
Another reason that group therapy (12 step and rehab clinics / hospitals) don't work.
"Las Encinas layout makes it harder to watch patients," said Gatlin. "There are a lot of little buildings on the grounds, and when people are that vulnerable you need to be watching them closely."Pinsky acknowledged that the expansive facility does lead to what he referred to as "challenges" for the unit managers. "It's for sure a challenge on my unit in terms of keeping drugs out," said Pinsky. "But that's a challenge of any chemical dependency program -- it's just an extra one at Las Encinas. Where you find addicts, you find drugs. But we are hypervigilant."

Dr. sober companion is all about giving a client his full attention and a one on one approach, and removing all enablers. In sharp contrast, Dr. drew Pinsky admits the failures of rehab facilities like his, have problems keeping drugs out. He continues to add: Where you find addicts, you find drugs. He states: "that's a challenge of any chemical dependency program". Dr. Sober Companion clarify's: "It should be corrected that it is a challenge to any group rehab facility and not a one on one approach of sober companions like dr. sober companion. The challenge dr. pinsky has is created when the motive is greed in filling the beds with addicts, instead of increasing the work and decreasing the amount of patients treated nat the same time.