What is the role of: Internal medicine chief
and medical director of chemical dependency at
Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena?
Dr. Drew Pinsky claimed innocence, but the parents beg to differ.
When parents care enough to help their children with expensive rehab clinics like Las Encinas, they place their trust in people like Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Responsible parents of Alex Clyburn's mother, Arline Clyburn and other responsible parents like father of Jeffrey Hearn, just wanted their children to live through the night at Las Encinas, and found out that their children died in the hands of a facility that Dr. Drew Pinsky was the director of. Dr. Drew Pinsky claimed innocence, but the parents beg to differ.
When you pick a dr. based on a TV reality show, where the patients being treated by the TV doctor have a 0% recovery and a 100% relapse rate, you are asking for trouble for your children.
Using Reality TV doctor advice in your real life crisis have resulted in deaths of children addicted to drugs. Even though dr. drew pinsky is a real doctor, the advice given during a reality show is not meant for gulible viewers to take seriously.
The parent of one of Dr. pinsky's victims said "I picked Dr. Drew Pinsky's rehab facility because of a couple of things." 1. Our son had been watching Dr. Drew Pinsky's program on TV"," 2. Dr. Drew Pinsky was considered a national expert. 3. The professional people who were experts in chemical dependency, 4. Our son had been watching Dr. Drew Pinsky's program on TV and was very impressed with his level of success" (perceived success as skewed for television. In reality there is patient confidentiality on these things)
When your name is being used to promote The Las Encinas facility's chemical dependency program as its director, The Los Angeles Times claims that Pinsky was the only physician whose photo was featured on the hospital website home page. It is now removed. Regardless of denials by Dr. Drew Pinsky, host of radio's "Love Line" and "Celebrity Rehab." Dr. Drew Pinsky has to take the blame for the daily functioning and staff of the Las Encinas rehab facility or admit he is a total fake.
Dr. Drew Pinsky decried: "These were not my patients", even though he is in charge of the facility, he has the audacity of denial.
If you love the title of Las Encinas facility director, like dr. drew pinsky enjoyed and get paid for the role, dr. drew pinsky must certainly take blame for the way the staff acted.
The parents of a patient who died under the watchful eye of its overseeing director Dr. drew pinsky said: "It was poor monitoring that led to her son's death. She continued, :"I think our son died because of the clinical incompetence and gross negligence, and the protocol that was insufficient," Clyburn said.
One of the other patients who died reportedly overdosed on another patient's drugs, according to KABC, and the third patient committed suicide by hanging himself.
In addition, the Los Angeles Times reported that a 14-year-old patient was raped by another 16-year-old patient.
Two of the patients who reportedly died were housed in the chemical dependency area of Las Encinas, and according the Los Angeles Times, the other two alleged incidents occured in the facility's hospital.
If you are a treating doctor, and you recommend professionally that your son enter his rehab hospital, to only become the place of his death, how can you not blame Dr. Drew Pinsky? Fact is, that dr. drew Pinsky did say that he had at one time treated Jeffrey Hearn, the patient who reportedly overdosed while staying at Las Encinas, but said that Hearn hadn't been in his care for several months.
To make matters worse, Hearn's father told the Los Angeles Times that because of Pinsky's support of his son, he had given a donation to the hospital.
When Alex Clyburn entered Las Encinas, a clinical registered nurse at the facility told the family he would be monitored every 15 minutes in the hours after he was admitted, but his mother said that didn't happen. According to the Los Angeles Times, the mental health worker involved in Clyburn's case has since been fired.
"He was absolutely not checked on every 15 minutes," said Arline Clyburn. "We left him at 10 p.m. in the evening. He was at 7:15 in the morning found stiff, rigid and unresponsive in his room lying in his bed.
"The paramedics called and arrived and pronounced him stiff and rigid and they didn't even perform CPR, and at 7:45 he was pronounced dead."
Clyburn said that one of the reasons the family chose Las Encinas was her son's admiration for Pinsky after watching the first season of "Celebrity Rehab."
"I picked it because of a couple of things, one of which was the professional people who were experts in chemical dependency, and our son had been watching Dr. Drew Pinsky's program on TV and was very impressed with his level of success," she said. "He was considered a national expert. "
"I think Dr. Drew is responsible for the quality of care on that unit and he should have known that there needed to be corrections made," said Clyburn, who said she plans to sue the hosptial for malpractice.
"I hold dr. drew pinsky responsible for my son's death, yes."
Another reason that group therapy (12 step and rehab clinics / hospitals) don't work.
"[Las Encinas'] layout makes it harder to watch patients," said Gatlin. "There are a lot of little buildings on the grounds, and when people are that vulnerable you need to be watching them closely."Pinsky acknowledged that the expansive facility does lead to what he referred to as "challenges" for the unit managers. "It's for sure a challenge on my unit in terms of keeping drugs out," said Pinsky. "But that's a challenge of any chemical dependency program -- it's just an extra one [at Las Encinas]. Where you find addicts, you find drugs. But we are hypervigilant."
Dr. sober companion is all about giving a client his full attention and a one on one approach, and removing all enablers.
In sharp contrast, Dr. drew Pinsky admits the failures of rehab facilities like his, have problems keeping drugs out. He continues to add: Where you find addicts, you find drugs. He states: "that's a challenge of any chemical dependency program".
Dr. Sober Companion clarify: "It should be corrected that it is a challenge to any group rehab facility and not a one on one approach of sober companions like dr. sober companion.
The challenge dr. drew pinsky has, is created when the motive is greed in filling the beds with addicts, instead of increasing the work and decreasing the amount of patients treated at the same time.
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