It was recently brought to the attention of dr. sober companion, that NBC today show michael jackson doctor shopping segment, featuring dr. Sober companion and the under cover work of david lerman was replayed, this time in connection with the corey haim drug overdose from obtaining drugs from dr. Feelgood, much in the same way that was discovered and presented by dr. sober companion and his guest david lerman.

This time though, the part about dr. Tencer wanting to save lives, was removed from the segment, while keeping david lerman's under cover dr. shopping segment.

We at dr. sober companion wanted to correct a few errors in the NBC today show segment.
First, the person described as working for dr. Sober companion and shown going under cover in dr. feelgood offices to gain the prescriptions was done not by an employee, nor was he ever a patient, but by a person named david lerman, who was so masterful at obtaining prescriptions from doctors, because he himself is an addicted alcoholic and drug addict, who was just showing his own technique of doctor shopping.
Mr. Lerman was not acting as an addict in the segment, and was not employed by dr. Sober companion, he was however compensated by NBC, either in promises or money or both.
Dr. Sober companion was never compensated for appearing on the NBC today show,
and did not ask for compensation. Dr. Sober companion is trying to reveal the truth, and wanted his message to be heard.
I brought david lerman (drug addict) with me to the segment to give the american public a reality of abuse of pharmaceutical drugs by addicts and to show that medical doctors are very involved in aiding drug addicts, with their drug addictions. (It did not turn out as I thought it would, as they removed almost everything I said, and only kept the drug addict scoring prescriptions.)
Its time for the medical profession to bare the blame for killing children. Its also time for pharmaceutical companies to take the blame for producing killing devices, far worse than any street drug, gun or other means of killing.
Its time for everyone who has been brainwashed to snap out of their spell, and see
what is really going on with the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, and the politicians who have been bought off, to look the other way. Its time to remove the advertising on TV, billboards and print that is far more life threatening than camel cigarette cartoon ads.
NBC and other networks should be ashamed of themselves for accepting the pharmaceutical industry blood money, or they should also be held accountable for the deaths from drug
addiction and forms of murder such as overdosing.
Its also time to rethink the fake research and testing documents or to place further blame on the FDA, for their complicity in the fraud of the medical industry.
The killing must stop. The murderers must be brought to justice. Dr. Sober companion may have been silenced from his today show appearance, but the truth will always prevail. While mr. Lerman hides behind a vail, has his voice changed, or is seen in shadow, make no mistake, he is being enabled by greedy TV producers who care nothing for an addict, except how well he can score drugs. Mr. Lerman needs help, but after his lies and thefts from dr. Tencer, he is no
longer welcome to come to us.

David Lerman is not the victim of tv producers, because he actually shops his abilities for scoring drugs to the highest bidders.
This kind of madness makes for compelling TV
The only real drug expert is an addict, and the only real sober companion is one that demands total abstinence from enablers and replacement therapies as well as pharmaceutical drugs and street drugs.
Dr. Sober companion's main focus is to keep your children alive and stop them from becoming addicts, and to stop you from enabling your own children without knowing you are the cause of their addictions.
Links / Related Stories
Dr. Sober Companion was featured this 7/10/2009 on the #1 morning show in the USA, NBC The Today Show, in a special story called: "Undercover: Prescription meds in Hollywood". The video is available online from NBC entitled: "Undercover: getting drugs in Hollywood". The description of the segment on the NBC site is "Video: TODAY examines how easy it is for people with cash to get drugs."Related Stories
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