Why is Shia LaBeouf driving? Why is Shia LaBeouf driving drunk? Why is Shia LaBeouf driving drunk and getting multiple DUI arrests? How can this be that he has not been locked up? Why hasn't Shia LeBeouf calling dr. sober companion
Yes its true that lawyers can do magic when they are paid to do their job expertly at getting socialites and celebrities and people with a lot of money, off the hook with jail time.

What happens if you choose the wrong lawyer? Can you fathom your son or daughter actually doing jail time? Wouldn't a better gaurantee be to hire dr. sober companion and prevent your kids from driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol or both?

Wouldn't it be better money spent on dr. sober companion life insurance policy then paying large sums of money to defend your children in court when they knowingly have done something wrong and were caught?
Shia LaBeouf's own father gave the curse of alcoholism and drug addictions to his son, himself has been battling alcoholism and drug addiction for years.
Shia LaBeouf,was predictably arrested early Sunday morning on suspicion of DUI. It was only a matter of time, that he would have another DUI.
While making a left turn, Shia LaBeouf hit another car, and his truck rolled over. According to the police, “It was immediately apparent to officers responding on the scene that Shia LaBeouf was intoxicated and he was subsequently placed under arrest.”
Shia LaBeouf was treated at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for injuries he sustained to his head, left hand and knee. Although his passenger and the driver of the other car also were hurt, the injuries (thankfully) were not serious. The actor was booked for a misdemeanor DUI and released.
If Shia LaBeouf pleads guilty to the DUI, a typical punishment generally includes: (1) three years of probation; (2) DUI classes; (3) driver’s license suspension; (4) monetary fines; and (5) mandatory attendance at a morgue or MADD class.
Shia LaBeouf will fight tooth and nail to keep his driver's license, and his lawyer now has a plan.
We've learned today's DMV hearing to yank Shia LaBeouf's license has been postponed. Under California law, anyone in an accident who refuses to submit to a blood alcohol test generally has their license yanked automatically.
Shia LaBeouf's lawyer, Michael Norris, tells us he believes he can convince the DMV that when Shia LaBeouf was asked to submit to the test, he was in no position to respond. Norris says, "Asking someone to provide a blood or breath test while they're being prepared for surgery on a gurney is a very unusual situation."
Norris says Shia LaBeouf wasn't asked to submit to the test until he was already at the hospital for several hours.
Norris tells us he's asking the Sheriff's Department to turn over all videos they have of Shia LaBeouf that night, including a video of the intersection that presumably captured the entire scene. Norris says he wants to see if Shia LaBeouf was "legally arrested." Its still high time to call dr. sober companion to rescue the boy from further harm to himself and the strangers he gets into accidents with.