michael jackson's death could have been prevented.
Dr. sober companion could have saved michael jackson's life. It is not to late to save the life of your son or daughter!
Here is a few techniques to prove how dr. sober companion could have saved michael jackson's life.
1. remove ALL enablers.
2. remove ALL drugs
3. remove ALL reasons for WANTING drugs
4. 24 hour supervision (to insure total compliance)
2. remove ALL drugs
3. remove ALL reasons for WANTING drugs
4. 24 hour supervision (to insure total compliance)
5. other proprietary method's
A typically Hollywood invention, a 'sober companion' aka 'sober coach', is a trained professional who accompanies a patient full-time to ensure they stay off drugs. They administer random drug tests and liaise with psychiatrists and other doctors to keep the patient DRUG FREE and sober.
dr. sober companion could have saved michael jackson's life!