miley cyrus seen using a bong, getting high, having fun and smiling, laughing is causing your young children to want to do what miley cyrus is doing.
What should you as a parent do to stop your children from doing what they saw miley cyrus doing?
At what age do your children need to be, for you to have a talk with them? Tween age that watches disney.
Sit down with your children and tell them it is wrong and that miley cyrus is reckless, careless and out of control. She could have been raped, killed or a close friend of hers could have made a video tape.
Guess what I saw miley cyrus doing now?
The friends that your children hang out with will not protect them, and in fact will blackmail you to make the video go away, and yet the video was still made public.
You have reason to be frightened.
dr. sober companion is here to help you
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Lindsay Lohan - prescription drug user for as long as she can remember
Lindsay Lohan - prescription drug user for as long as she can remember
Its not every day that dr. sober companion has access to a random drug test of a celebrity, unless of course they are clients of dr. sober companion. It is really unbelievable the access that the press and public have to peoples private information. Then again, you lose your rights if you are arrested and convicted.
Isn't that reason enough to hire a sober companion, to keep your name out of the press, and to keep your ass out of jail? We think you will agree, that the information that websites like TMZ got on Lyndsay Lohan is way to much.
We used to rely on drug addicts to supply us with the names of the current medications of choice, but now we know that celebrities like Lyndsay Lohan are being prescribed Ambien and Adderall, and Dilaudid -- an extremely powerful painkiller ... often compared to morphine ... and even heroin.
The information that we are getting is from TMZ, who has various sources, including Lindsay Lohan's probation officer, who made a report that lists 5 drugs Lindsay Lohan is allowed to take, under the terms of probation.
The 5 drugs are:
Zoloft (antidepressant)
Trazodone (antidepressant)
Adderall (amphetamine stimulant to control ADHD)
Nexium (acid reflux)
Dilaudid (opiate pain killer) DENTAL PAIN?
Judge Marsha Revel appointed Dr. Kaushal Sharma to evaluate Lindsay Lohan, and then make recommendations to the court.
If you compare the drugs Lyndsay Lohan is allowed, to celebrities who overdosed, or just plain common drug addicts, the thing that sets them apart is access to prescriptions, ability to buy them or have someone buy for them, and ability to try and fool the public.
Enablers of celebrities, like parents and friends, will not try and stop the addict if they want to continue receiving their allowances or whatever else they get in return for looking the other way. If you consider the statement "The defendant indicates she has been on the same prescription medication for as long as she can remember.", and you consider the fact that Lyndsay is still very young and in her twenties, it must have been her mother that originally helped her obtain the prescriptions and medical care. Any minor, must have their parents permission to be treated. Why would a parent allow their child amphetamines and opiates?
Dr. sober companion will help our clients to test negative for opiates and amphetamines because we remove all drugs and alcohol and remove all replacement drugs which have the same properties as street drugs, but are much more potent. A parent must be fooling themselves if they are talked into accepting replacement therapy drugs as a way to help their children, by medical doctors. READ THE DRUG TEST! POSITIVE FOR AMPHETAMINES AND POSITIVE FOR OPIATES!
Stop being so gullible to a medical doctors recommendations that you are helping your children. The only way to test negative for drug and alcohol use is to remove everything and totally abstain.
Medical proof for prescription drug use, is a lie perpetrated by the medical industry, which is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Submitting your children to random drug tests that you know damn well beforehand that the test will be positive, is a cruel joke played on your children. Dear Parents, are you that cruel to your children?
Are you that stupid?
Its not every day that dr. sober companion has access to a random drug test of a celebrity, unless of course they are clients of dr. sober companion. It is really unbelievable the access that the press and public have to peoples private information. Then again, you lose your rights if you are arrested and convicted.
Isn't that reason enough to hire a sober companion, to keep your name out of the press, and to keep your ass out of jail? We think you will agree, that the information that websites like TMZ got on Lyndsay Lohan is way to much.
We used to rely on drug addicts to supply us with the names of the current medications of choice, but now we know that celebrities like Lyndsay Lohan are being prescribed Ambien and Adderall, and Dilaudid -- an extremely powerful painkiller ... often compared to morphine ... and even heroin.
The information that we are getting is from TMZ, who has various sources, including Lindsay Lohan's probation officer, who made a report that lists 5 drugs Lindsay Lohan is allowed to take, under the terms of probation.
The 5 drugs are:
Zoloft (antidepressant)
Trazodone (antidepressant)
Adderall (amphetamine stimulant to control ADHD)
Nexium (acid reflux)
Dilaudid (opiate pain killer) DENTAL PAIN?
Judge Marsha Revel appointed Dr. Kaushal Sharma to evaluate Lindsay Lohan, and then make recommendations to the court.
If you compare the drugs Lyndsay Lohan is allowed, to celebrities who overdosed, or just plain common drug addicts, the thing that sets them apart is access to prescriptions, ability to buy them or have someone buy for them, and ability to try and fool the public.
Enablers of celebrities, like parents and friends, will not try and stop the addict if they want to continue receiving their allowances or whatever else they get in return for looking the other way. If you consider the statement "The defendant indicates she has been on the same prescription medication for as long as she can remember.", and you consider the fact that Lyndsay is still very young and in her twenties, it must have been her mother that originally helped her obtain the prescriptions and medical care. Any minor, must have their parents permission to be treated. Why would a parent allow their child amphetamines and opiates?
Dr. sober companion will help our clients to test negative for opiates and amphetamines because we remove all drugs and alcohol and remove all replacement drugs which have the same properties as street drugs, but are much more potent. A parent must be fooling themselves if they are talked into accepting replacement therapy drugs as a way to help their children, by medical doctors. READ THE DRUG TEST! POSITIVE FOR AMPHETAMINES AND POSITIVE FOR OPIATES!
Stop being so gullible to a medical doctors recommendations that you are helping your children. The only way to test negative for drug and alcohol use is to remove everything and totally abstain.
Medical proof for prescription drug use, is a lie perpetrated by the medical industry, which is largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Submitting your children to random drug tests that you know damn well beforehand that the test will be positive, is a cruel joke played on your children. Dear Parents, are you that cruel to your children?
Are you that stupid?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
parents do not consider prescription drugs bad
There is a problem in America and other countries where medical doctors and pharmaceutical companies have brainwashed the public into thinking that illegal drugs are bad and prescription drugs are good. PARENTS ARE CLUELESS
Could Dr. Sober Companion have saved Brittany Murphy from dieing so young? The answer is YES, But as a parent, armed with skepticism for ANY prescription drugs given to your children, you can also save your children's lives. Stop being so gullible to the medical industry, who are nothing more than glorified drug pushers.
Many times, prescription drugs are just pharmaceutical grade equivalents for speed (cocaine effects), and similar street drugs. Because they are prescribed, they are seemingly harmless and non-addicting. This is farthest from the truth. Dr. Sober Companion would begin by removing all prescription drugs from your children's environment, and finding why they have been taking them. The menace medical doctor who prescribed them must be stopped, from poisoning any more children.
While I don't talk about removing life sustaining drugs, I do talk about ADD drugs, and other seemingly harmless drugs, that even your child's teacher recommended.
Parents who want the best for their children, send them to drug pushing medical doctors. The parents knowingly allow the prescriptions, and even pay for them, trusting the medical doctor who prescribed them wholeheartedly. Have you ever done this for your children?
You have a problem and cannot completely be blamed, because of your trust of your family doctor. Please wake up to the fact that your medical doctors are really to blame, and all the fake medical research and the good looking (playmate quality) pharmaceutical rep, who lobbies the medical doctor to prescribe their meds.
Parents who want the best for their children, send them to drug pushing medical doctors. The parents knowingly allow the prescriptions, and even pay for them, trusting the medical doctor who prescribed them wholeheartedly. Have you ever done this for your children?
You have a problem and cannot completely be blamed, because of your trust of your family doctor. Please wake up to the fact that your medical doctors are really to blame, and all the fake medical research and the good looking (playmate quality) pharmaceutical rep, who lobbies the medical doctor to prescribe their meds.
Dr. Sober Companion knows, that you, as a parent are bombarded daily, by advertising on supposedly ad-free satellite radio, television (especially NBC), and magazines and newspapers. In politics, the pharmaceutical companies spend billions on changing healthcare and inclusion of their drugs while excluding cheaper canadian imports.
Dr. Sober Companion truly believes that Brittany Murphy’s husband Simon Monjack does not understand the concept that prescription drugs kill, more than illegal drugs, when he makes the foolish statement: “In all the time I’ve known her, she has never, and I repeat NEVER, done drugs. Not a line of cocaine, not a hit from a joint, nothing. She was anti-drugs. There are no drugs involved. If any were, I would not be on the phone with you,” the agent explains. (he does not refer to any prescription's)
But if no illegal substances were involved in Brittany’s odd actions, then how can the hordes of prescription medication found in the couple’s bathroom be explained?
Brittany’s mother, Sharon Murphy, explains to the Daily Beast that her daughter was diagnosed with a rare heart condition, mitral valve prolapse, and suffered from hypoglycemia, but was only taking Sarafem for menstrual symptoms and Klonepan for anxiety. (what about the other prescription bottles found?)
While Simon and Brittany's mother Sharon are not completely to blame, they were gullable at protecting Brittany from all the prescription drugs that Brittany Murphy consumed. Being on set and protecting a petite and frail actress from mean and obnoxious studio heads and directors was not where Brittany needed the most help.
In the wake of young actress Brittany Murphy’s sudden death, her husband Simon Monjack
I was never, ever drunk there… I was ‘difficult’ because I was the enforcer to protect Brittany. She was far too nice to stand up to directors and producers who wanted her to work to exhaustion.”
Sharon Murphy reveals that Simon loved her daughter as she explains to the Daily Beast, “Simon was her soul mate, the love of her life. They don’t understand that in Hollywood because it was something real.”
Dr. Sober Companion truly believes that Brittany Murphy’s husband Simon Monjack does not understand the concept that prescription drugs kill, more than illegal drugs, when he makes the foolish statement: “In all the time I’ve known her, she has never, and I repeat NEVER, done drugs. Not a line of cocaine, not a hit from a joint, nothing. She was anti-drugs. There are no drugs involved. If any were, I would not be on the phone with you,” the agent explains. (he does not refer to any prescription's)
But if no illegal substances were involved in Brittany’s odd actions, then how can the hordes of prescription medication found in the couple’s bathroom be explained?
Brittany’s mother, Sharon Murphy, explains to the Daily Beast that her daughter was diagnosed with a rare heart condition, mitral valve prolapse, and suffered from hypoglycemia, but was only taking Sarafem for menstrual symptoms and Klonepan for anxiety. (what about the other prescription bottles found?)
While Simon and Brittany's mother Sharon are not completely to blame, they were gullable at protecting Brittany from all the prescription drugs that Brittany Murphy consumed. Being on set and protecting a petite and frail actress from mean and obnoxious studio heads and directors was not where Brittany needed the most help.
In the wake of young actress Brittany Murphy’s sudden death, her husband Simon Monjack
I was never, ever drunk there… I was ‘difficult’ because I was the enforcer to protect Brittany. She was far too nice to stand up to directors and producers who wanted her to work to exhaustion.”
Sharon Murphy reveals that Simon loved her daughter as she explains to the Daily Beast, “Simon was her soul mate, the love of her life. They don’t understand that in Hollywood because it was something real.”
Give your children the chance for a long and healthy life. Remove the prescription drugs, spend more time with your children and if you need to, call Dr. Sober Companion
Thursday, July 2, 2009
why does debbie rowe want restraining order from michael jackson father joe jackson?
Because of the death of Michael Jackson, the truth is unraveling about years of child abuse by Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson. The same man that was recently seen as more concerned with promoting a new record label then mourning his son's death at the BET awards, and the next morning in a press conference.
Dr. Sober Companion is disgusted at this parents actions.
The child abuse sometimes starts with emotional or physical abuse or both, and continues with maybe the worst form of child abuse of them all; "enabling".
Dr. Sober Companion continues to see a pattern of child abuse and enabling by parents and its growing worse every day.
The parents are sometimes the worst enabler in the entire entourage. The parents and the entire entourage are all enablers, whom love their meal ticket, have become accustomed to their new comfort level and would not want to jeopardize that sweetened financial arrangement by the parent actually speaking out against the destructive behaviors of their children.
What is an enabler?
Destructive behaviors that could cause the demise of the meal ticket such as drug addiction, alcoholism, self mutilation, must not be scrutinized, chastised or told to refrain from by the entourage if they want to continue their good lives. They see it as a fun roller coaster in a theme park, that they want to ride as much as they can, until the park closes or the host of their fun expires.
Why do the children need a restraining order from Joe Jackson?
While in the current Michael Jackson children situation, it is entirely possible that being awarded custody by Debbie Rowe, might really be because Debbie Rowe is less concerned about the possible threat of child abuse of Michael Jackson's 3 children by their grandfather Joe Jackson, and more about getting a monthly living expense, not currently accounted for in Michael Jackson's will. While Debbie Rowe has already been given her payoff for what she was hired to do, that appears to not be enough. (It will be interesting to know who is giving her advice and who she will show up to court with?)
The fact that Debbie Rowe wants to separate the 3 children, and only take Paris and Michael Jr., is criminal in itself for the psychological damage that comes with separating children of a recently deceased family member. This action of separation, could be enough to drive the children into psychological damage for life.
Even if Debbie Rowe proves through DNA testing that she is the biological mother, she only gets Paris and Michael Jr., while the true damage is in separation of the 3 Michael Jackson Children.
While I only speculate about Michael Jackson, we now have proof via Debbie Rowe, that Joe Jackson is toxic. Why else would Debbie Rowe seek a restraining order to keep Joe Jackson away from the children?
Please save your child's life.
With all the damage that parents can do to their children by enabling out of selfishness, it becomes clear that the most damage can come from parents. Dr. Sober Companion takes ALL enablers out of the equation. Dr. Sober Companion's goal is to keep his clients alive by removing enablers.
Talk to your children!
Are you an enabler? Please tell your children the truth no matter what the outcome is in your entourage status. At least you will be able to live with yourself, and your children might even surprise you by actually listening.
Dr. Sober Companion is Dr. Rob Tencer DC, BS
Dr. Sober Companion is disgusted at this parents actions.
The child abuse sometimes starts with emotional or physical abuse or both, and continues with maybe the worst form of child abuse of them all; "enabling".
Dr. Sober Companion continues to see a pattern of child abuse and enabling by parents and its growing worse every day.
The parents are sometimes the worst enabler in the entire entourage. The parents and the entire entourage are all enablers, whom love their meal ticket, have become accustomed to their new comfort level and would not want to jeopardize that sweetened financial arrangement by the parent actually speaking out against the destructive behaviors of their children.
What is an enabler?
Destructive behaviors that could cause the demise of the meal ticket such as drug addiction, alcoholism, self mutilation, must not be scrutinized, chastised or told to refrain from by the entourage if they want to continue their good lives. They see it as a fun roller coaster in a theme park, that they want to ride as much as they can, until the park closes or the host of their fun expires.
Why do the children need a restraining order from Joe Jackson?
While in the current Michael Jackson children situation, it is entirely possible that being awarded custody by Debbie Rowe, might really be because Debbie Rowe is less concerned about the possible threat of child abuse of Michael Jackson's 3 children by their grandfather Joe Jackson, and more about getting a monthly living expense, not currently accounted for in Michael Jackson's will. While Debbie Rowe has already been given her payoff for what she was hired to do, that appears to not be enough. (It will be interesting to know who is giving her advice and who she will show up to court with?)
The fact that Debbie Rowe wants to separate the 3 children, and only take Paris and Michael Jr., is criminal in itself for the psychological damage that comes with separating children of a recently deceased family member. This action of separation, could be enough to drive the children into psychological damage for life.
Even if Debbie Rowe proves through DNA testing that she is the biological mother, she only gets Paris and Michael Jr., while the true damage is in separation of the 3 Michael Jackson Children.
While I only speculate about Michael Jackson, we now have proof via Debbie Rowe, that Joe Jackson is toxic. Why else would Debbie Rowe seek a restraining order to keep Joe Jackson away from the children?
Please save your child's life.
With all the damage that parents can do to their children by enabling out of selfishness, it becomes clear that the most damage can come from parents. Dr. Sober Companion takes ALL enablers out of the equation. Dr. Sober Companion's goal is to keep his clients alive by removing enablers.
Talk to your children!
Are you an enabler? Please tell your children the truth no matter what the outcome is in your entourage status. At least you will be able to live with yourself, and your children might even surprise you by actually listening.
Dr. Sober Companion is Dr. Rob Tencer DC, BS
debbie rowe,
joe jackson,
michael jackson,
Michael Jr.,
rob tencer,
sober companion
Monday, March 30, 2009
Does Ashley Biden have a drug addiction?

Does the daughter of the vice president of the USA Joe Biden have a drug addiction?
Joe Biden's daughter Ashley Biden was allegedly recently video recorded snorting cocaine at a party in Delaware in March 2009. Just like Al Gore's son who also had a drug addiction and was convicted after being caught with various drugs. When will the parents who are rich and famous realise they must pay more attention to their children? When will you help your children fight addiction to drugs and alcohol with someone like dr. sober companion?
Monday, January 26, 2009
The nanny is called to raise the wealthy children, and destroy the family
the nanny raises rich children - by dr. sober companion dr. rob tencer
Successful men and women may bow out of active parenting, hiring in effect a nanny to raise their children for them. Unfortunately, the children of these ever-present nannies and ever-absent fathers and mothers are not likely to get to know the creator and/or steward of the family wealth and therefore do not benefit from their parents wisdom they learned from their failures and their successes-which would be their irreplaceable heritage.
Because children learn about money and values from the nanny who raises them, they identify with their angry, emotionally and often financially deprived nanny. These children are likely to develop selfish, short-term goals and objectives, far different from the long-term goal of their wealth-producing or wealth-protecting parents.
Your children rarely develop skills at making or keeping money, merely skills at throwing it away. Your children develop the skills that are least likely to produce long-term happiness or solid relationships.
Your children may grow up with a strong sense of entitlement, enormous self-esteem, and a self-conscious belief in their own importance and visibility in the universe, but no self-confidence, no belief that they can do anything of value for themselves or anyone else.
Your children may have to blow their inherited wealth before they can move on toward their own successes.
You as parents may only go into battle to get your alcoholic son or daughter out of a drunk-driving charge, with great concern for how it would look on his record and little concern with the reality of his alcoholism.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
Successful men and women may bow out of active parenting, hiring in effect a nanny to raise their children for them. Unfortunately, the children of these ever-present nannies and ever-absent fathers and mothers are not likely to get to know the creator and/or steward of the family wealth and therefore do not benefit from their parents wisdom they learned from their failures and their successes-which would be their irreplaceable heritage.
Because children learn about money and values from the nanny who raises them, they identify with their angry, emotionally and often financially deprived nanny. These children are likely to develop selfish, short-term goals and objectives, far different from the long-term goal of their wealth-producing or wealth-protecting parents.
Your children rarely develop skills at making or keeping money, merely skills at throwing it away. Your children develop the skills that are least likely to produce long-term happiness or solid relationships.
Your children may grow up with a strong sense of entitlement, enormous self-esteem, and a self-conscious belief in their own importance and visibility in the universe, but no self-confidence, no belief that they can do anything of value for themselves or anyone else.
Your children may have to blow their inherited wealth before they can move on toward their own successes.
You as parents may only go into battle to get your alcoholic son or daughter out of a drunk-driving charge, with great concern for how it would look on his record and little concern with the reality of his alcoholism.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
rob tencer,
sober companion,
why parenting time is more valuable to children then your money
spend time with your children - by dr. sober dr. rob tencer
While a good parent would involve themselves in their childrens lives, you can control and develop a loving relationship with your children. Yes, You can also control the family life and the good family relationship in a positive way with the use of the money.
What often happens though, when you don't supply your children with this loving family atmosphere is that your children experiment by spending the money you control. Your children become angry and resentful at your efforts at control, and your children gets their only sense of power by blowing money foolishly.
Without your love and your time invested in your children, your children are likely to be in a state of permanent rebellion.
Your son or daughter need their father
When you as the father have little impact on your children-except to deprive them emotionally and set grand and ambivalently held ideals for them, you are destroying them.
Your son or daughter need their mother
When you as the mother spend little time on your children you destroy them.
Mothers are required by society to be the ones who spend more time with their children their fathers, but mothers can also go missing when it comes to parenting.
While mothers may feel guilty about it, whereas men more often than not have been praised for abandoning their families in the pursuit of various varieties of glory.
Can you understand how this way of life destroys your family and your children?
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober comapnion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
While a good parent would involve themselves in their childrens lives, you can control and develop a loving relationship with your children. Yes, You can also control the family life and the good family relationship in a positive way with the use of the money.
What often happens though, when you don't supply your children with this loving family atmosphere is that your children experiment by spending the money you control. Your children become angry and resentful at your efforts at control, and your children gets their only sense of power by blowing money foolishly.
Without your love and your time invested in your children, your children are likely to be in a state of permanent rebellion.
Your son or daughter need their father
When you as the father have little impact on your children-except to deprive them emotionally and set grand and ambivalently held ideals for them, you are destroying them.
Your son or daughter need their mother
When you as the mother spend little time on your children you destroy them.
Mothers are required by society to be the ones who spend more time with their children their fathers, but mothers can also go missing when it comes to parenting.
While mothers may feel guilty about it, whereas men more often than not have been praised for abandoning their families in the pursuit of various varieties of glory.
Can you understand how this way of life destroys your family and your children?
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober comapnion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
rob tencer,
sober companion,
A wealthy parents greed was the drug they gave to their children
greed in the family - by dr. sober companion dr. rob tencer
Your curse to your children is that you require unhealthy ways to gain pleasure. It has been studied and pointed out (philip slater 1980), that your senseless greed and continuation in the pursuit of wealth long past the point that it gives you pleasure.
One of the main reasons wealth makes you unhappy is that it gives you too much control over what you experience. You try to translate your own fantasies into reality . . . an enervating and disappointing pastime ...
Your curse to your children was in their education and how they grew up. Your children's learning and growing are very difficult with wealth because they depend on experiences in real life, and wealth enables one to buy out of life.
Wealth provides the wherewithal to cling to every outworn fantasy, pathway, or goal-to grasp every outgrown security blanket more tightly-to control your input in such a way that you never need to change or develop.
The curse of money and its ultimate affect on you and your children could result in severe depression or suicide, its so powerful.
This curse of money was studied in depth by Cloe Madanes, who pointed out, "wealth often appears to be cursed, bringing with it more misery than joy." Sooner or later they realize that the wealth is not going to make them happy, but they then are likely to seek out more intense and drastic pleasures, from taking more risks, finding new drugs, getting into machines that go too fast, or otherwise trying to intensify experiences in a life that is rapidly becoming jaded, exhausted from overindulgence.
When a child grows up with having so much money, they don't have to work or succeed at anything in life, their wealth deprives them of pride in their own usefulness, isolates them from everyone less fortunate, distorts relationships with their loved ones, and ultimately disillusioning them.
Your children rates of depression and suicide, and their general levels of misery go up beyond middle-class levels almost to the levels of the poor.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
Your curse to your children is that you require unhealthy ways to gain pleasure. It has been studied and pointed out (philip slater 1980), that your senseless greed and continuation in the pursuit of wealth long past the point that it gives you pleasure.
One of the main reasons wealth makes you unhappy is that it gives you too much control over what you experience. You try to translate your own fantasies into reality . . . an enervating and disappointing pastime ...
Your curse to your children was in their education and how they grew up. Your children's learning and growing are very difficult with wealth because they depend on experiences in real life, and wealth enables one to buy out of life.
Wealth provides the wherewithal to cling to every outworn fantasy, pathway, or goal-to grasp every outgrown security blanket more tightly-to control your input in such a way that you never need to change or develop.
The curse of money and its ultimate affect on you and your children could result in severe depression or suicide, its so powerful.
This curse of money was studied in depth by Cloe Madanes, who pointed out, "wealth often appears to be cursed, bringing with it more misery than joy." Sooner or later they realize that the wealth is not going to make them happy, but they then are likely to seek out more intense and drastic pleasures, from taking more risks, finding new drugs, getting into machines that go too fast, or otherwise trying to intensify experiences in a life that is rapidly becoming jaded, exhausted from overindulgence.
When a child grows up with having so much money, they don't have to work or succeed at anything in life, their wealth deprives them of pride in their own usefulness, isolates them from everyone less fortunate, distorts relationships with their loved ones, and ultimately disillusioning them.
Your children rates of depression and suicide, and their general levels of misery go up beyond middle-class levels almost to the levels of the poor.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
family life,
rob tencer,
sober companion,
What is going on in the wealthy parents head, that they could not treat their children as their most vauable possesion?
Your children is your most valuable possession - by dr. sober comapnion dr. rob tencer
Your children may be unhappy because they are your children which J. Sedgwick describes as a dispiriting and crippling burden, because you may have amassed wealth obsessively through your inability to be satisfied, your relentless need for competitive victory, and your willingness to commit the "great crime" that, presumably "lies behind every great fortune."
In other words, you are inherently unhappy and do what they do in hopes that more of something (or maybe even more of everything) will finally fill the void inside of you.
It is your unhappiness (i.e., your inability to be easily satisfied) that has driven them to get rich.
It is this destructive way of life that destroys your childrens abilities in their life.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
Your children may be unhappy because they are your children which J. Sedgwick describes as a dispiriting and crippling burden, because you may have amassed wealth obsessively through your inability to be satisfied, your relentless need for competitive victory, and your willingness to commit the "great crime" that, presumably "lies behind every great fortune."
In other words, you are inherently unhappy and do what they do in hopes that more of something (or maybe even more of everything) will finally fill the void inside of you.
It is your unhappiness (i.e., your inability to be easily satisfied) that has driven them to get rich.
It is this destructive way of life that destroys your childrens abilities in their life.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
rob tencer,
valuable possession
A parents curse of being weathly is tranfered to your children
curses that wealthy parents give to their children - by dr. sober companion dr. rob tencer
The curse of money and its ultimate affect on you and your children could result in severe depression or suicide, its so powerful.
This curse of money was studied in depth by Cloe Madanes, who pointed out, "wealth often appears to be cursed, bringing with it more misery than joy."
Sooner or later they realize that the wealth is not going to make them happy, but they then are likely to seek out more intense and drastic pleasures, from taking more risks, finding new drugs, getting into machines that go too fast, or otherwise trying to intensify experiences in a life that is rapidly becoming jaded, exhausted from overindulgence.
When a child grows up with having so much money, they don't have to work or succeed at anything in life, their wealth deprives them of pride in their own usefulness, isolates them from everyone less fortunate, distorts relationships with their loved ones, and ultimately disillusioning them. Their rates of depression and suicide, and their general levels of misery go up beyond middle-class levels almost to the levels of the poor.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait til you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
The curse of money and its ultimate affect on you and your children could result in severe depression or suicide, its so powerful.
This curse of money was studied in depth by Cloe Madanes, who pointed out, "wealth often appears to be cursed, bringing with it more misery than joy."
Sooner or later they realize that the wealth is not going to make them happy, but they then are likely to seek out more intense and drastic pleasures, from taking more risks, finding new drugs, getting into machines that go too fast, or otherwise trying to intensify experiences in a life that is rapidly becoming jaded, exhausted from overindulgence.
When a child grows up with having so much money, they don't have to work or succeed at anything in life, their wealth deprives them of pride in their own usefulness, isolates them from everyone less fortunate, distorts relationships with their loved ones, and ultimately disillusioning them. Their rates of depression and suicide, and their general levels of misery go up beyond middle-class levels almost to the levels of the poor.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait til you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer
family therapists,
rob tencer,
sober companion,
financial advisers reveal secrets of the wealthy and why rich kids get addicted to drugs and alcohol
financial advisers to the rich and wealthy - by dr. sober companion dr. rob tencer
While most people in world envy the rich, financial advisers reveal the secret that wealthy people are not happy. Money is the weapon of choice that wealthy parents use to ruin their children. While some parents are responsible, most are not. Financial advisers see this on a daily basis.
The danger of money is overlooked in the financial literature. Perhaps financial advisers have little patience with your seemingly enviable problems. While you deserve our understanding and even sympathy. Anything that prevents people from developing a functional reciprocity with the world is destructive.
Both the rich and the poor can grow up without exposure to functional people and realistically attainable goals and acquirable skills.
Financial advisers need to overcome their envy long enough to understand the problem. Money is powerful. It can do good or it can do harm.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The harm that is caused by using these techniques on the wealthy parents own children, drives the children to pick up addictions. The rich parents are directly responsible for causing their childrens addiction to drugs and their alcoholism.
If the wealthy parent deals with their children when its to late, this could result in their childs death. Simply by cutting off their childrens money might cause them to seek out illegel means for supplying their addictions. Sometimes the cause of this parental problem is when a parent married into wealth and has no idea that acting this way to their children is like allowing them to play with a loaded gun. If the parents were both from money, then they understood what harm they could cause their children by giving them fuck you money or go away money could cause. They can't simply be blameless in this case for causing their childrens drug and alcohol addiction, leading to their childrens death.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them. Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait til you have killed your children.
email dr. sober at
dr. sober is sober companion dr. rob tencer
While most people in world envy the rich, financial advisers reveal the secret that wealthy people are not happy. Money is the weapon of choice that wealthy parents use to ruin their children. While some parents are responsible, most are not. Financial advisers see this on a daily basis.
The danger of money is overlooked in the financial literature. Perhaps financial advisers have little patience with your seemingly enviable problems. While you deserve our understanding and even sympathy. Anything that prevents people from developing a functional reciprocity with the world is destructive.
Both the rich and the poor can grow up without exposure to functional people and realistically attainable goals and acquirable skills.
Financial advisers need to overcome their envy long enough to understand the problem. Money is powerful. It can do good or it can do harm.
Lets discuss the various forms of money that wealthy parents have and how they use it as a weapon on their children.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The harm that is caused by using these techniques on the wealthy parents own children, drives the children to pick up addictions. The rich parents are directly responsible for causing their childrens addiction to drugs and their alcoholism.
If the wealthy parent deals with their children when its to late, this could result in their childs death. Simply by cutting off their childrens money might cause them to seek out illegel means for supplying their addictions. Sometimes the cause of this parental problem is when a parent married into wealth and has no idea that acting this way to their children is like allowing them to play with a loaded gun. If the parents were both from money, then they understood what harm they could cause their children by giving them fuck you money or go away money could cause. They can't simply be blameless in this case for causing their childrens drug and alcohol addiction, leading to their childrens death.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them. Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait til you have killed your children.
email dr. sober at
dr. sober is sober companion dr. rob tencer
financial advisers,
rob tencer,
why do drug rehab clinics hire family therapists to help with addictions?
rehab and family therapists - by dr. sober companion dr. rob tencer
Family therapists agree that wealth does not make people happy. Family therapists are hired by the rehab clinic to help with the family problems that arise when you have wealthy parents.
Problems like the money you give to your son or daughter, which is either through a trust fund or allowance.
You as a parent have created an inherently unequal relationship, with your children in which they are essentially employed by you. Your children believe the family money belongs to them when they reach a certain age.
While a good parent would involve themselves in their children lives, you can control and develop a loving relationship with your children. You can control the family life and the good family relationship in a positive way with the use of the money.
What often happens though, when you don't supply your children with this loving family atmosphere is that your children experiment by spending the money you control.
Your children become angry and resentful at your efforts at control, and your children gets their only sense of power by blowing money foolishly. Without your love and your time invested in your children, your children are likely to be in a state of permanent rebellion.
The problems of the rich, whether the Kennedy's, the Windsors, or the lottery winners are rarely caused just by the money. No amount of money can create good genes or good parents or good relationship or even good luck.
Wealth alone can neither cause nor cure the pains of life, it can just make them inexplicable to the envious.
Although the rich are as much in need of help as anyone else, they are an overlooked phenomenon in the family psychotherapy literature.
Wealth is not good for children. As Andree Aelion Brooks (1989) noted, it creates a lifetime dependency upon rich parents, belittles children's own accomplishments, distorts their relationships with their peers, makes them distrustful of friendships, and increases their sense of what is enough.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The harm that is caused by using these techniques on the wealthy parents own children, drives the children to pick up addictions. The rich parents are directly responsible for causing their childrens addiction to drugs and their alcoholism.
If the wealthy parent deals with their children when its to late, this could result in their childs death. Simply by cutting off their childrens money might cause them to seek out illegel means for supplying their addictions. Sometimes the cause of this parental problem is when a parent carried into wealth and has no idea that acting this way to their children is like allowing them to play with a loaded gun.
If the parents were both from money, then they understood what harm they could cause their children by giving them fuck you money or go away money could cause. They can't simply be blameless in this case for causing their childrens drug and alcohol addiction, leading to their childrens death.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer sober comapnion
Family therapists agree that wealth does not make people happy. Family therapists are hired by the rehab clinic to help with the family problems that arise when you have wealthy parents.
Problems like the money you give to your son or daughter, which is either through a trust fund or allowance.
You as a parent have created an inherently unequal relationship, with your children in which they are essentially employed by you. Your children believe the family money belongs to them when they reach a certain age.
While a good parent would involve themselves in their children lives, you can control and develop a loving relationship with your children. You can control the family life and the good family relationship in a positive way with the use of the money.
What often happens though, when you don't supply your children with this loving family atmosphere is that your children experiment by spending the money you control.
Your children become angry and resentful at your efforts at control, and your children gets their only sense of power by blowing money foolishly. Without your love and your time invested in your children, your children are likely to be in a state of permanent rebellion.
The problems of the rich, whether the Kennedy's, the Windsors, or the lottery winners are rarely caused just by the money. No amount of money can create good genes or good parents or good relationship or even good luck.
Wealth alone can neither cause nor cure the pains of life, it can just make them inexplicable to the envious.
Although the rich are as much in need of help as anyone else, they are an overlooked phenomenon in the family psychotherapy literature.
Wealth is not good for children. As Andree Aelion Brooks (1989) noted, it creates a lifetime dependency upon rich parents, belittles children's own accomplishments, distorts their relationships with their peers, makes them distrustful of friendships, and increases their sense of what is enough.
Fuck You Money - This is when the parents have so much money, they will never have to work a day in their lives, nor will their children have to work to make a living.
Go Away Money - This is when the parents have their own lives, and want a total seperation from their children from spoiling their individuality. The parent is able to make their children go away simply by throwing money at them.
The harm that is caused by using these techniques on the wealthy parents own children, drives the children to pick up addictions. The rich parents are directly responsible for causing their childrens addiction to drugs and their alcoholism.
If the wealthy parent deals with their children when its to late, this could result in their childs death. Simply by cutting off their childrens money might cause them to seek out illegel means for supplying their addictions. Sometimes the cause of this parental problem is when a parent carried into wealth and has no idea that acting this way to their children is like allowing them to play with a loaded gun.
If the parents were both from money, then they understood what harm they could cause their children by giving them fuck you money or go away money could cause. They can't simply be blameless in this case for causing their childrens drug and alcohol addiction, leading to their childrens death.
The cause is you as the parent, but the cure is also with you as the parent.
Parents often ask dr. sober companion:
What you can do to help my children?
How can you help with their addictions?
How do you stop them from drinking and their alcoholism?
Is it to late to help my children?
dr. sober companion answers with the simple fact that as long as your children are still living, you have a chance as a parent to help them.
Its only late when their dead.
Don't wait until you have killed your children.
email dr. sober companion at
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer sober comapnion
family therapists,
rehab clinic,
rob tencer,
sober companion,
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