Sarah Allen Benton describes high-functioning alcoholics as people who are able to maintain respectable, even high-profile lives. That balancing act continues until something dreadful happens that reveals the truth and forces the person to enter a treatment program or lose everything that means anything. (Including their life. Think michael jackson or heath ledger).
While Ms. Benton agreed that there are similarities between high functioning alcoholics and a high functioning drug addict, she never implied anything about michael jackson, his drug addiction, or symptoms of a functioning drug addict nor the way a drug addict reveals their addiction to their friends, family or the public, nor anything to do with michael jackson molestation charges.
Ms. Benton did say that the functioning alcoholic sometimes reveals their addiction or gets exposed for having made inappropriate sexual advances. (dr. sober companion drew a conclusion from this statement to try to connect the two together.)
Ms. Benton identifies herself as a recovering alcoholic with an addiction problem (not to drugs), while Dr. sober Companion is Dr. Rob Tencer DC, BS, whom never was a drug addict and never had problems with alcohol.
To our knowledge, Dr. Sober Companion is the only sober companion to have never been a drug addict or alcoholic, which also means he will never be an enabler to your son or daughter.
In retrospect, I was trying to hit people over the head with the similarities, and went a little to far to demonstrate the connections between high functioning alcoholics as described in "Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic: Professional Views and Personal Insights
This is a very emotional topic for me and my passion for speaking against enablers got the best of me. How could the michael jackson entourage of family, friends, doctors and staff not see the signs of drug addiction? That is why enablers must be completly removed from the lives of people you are trying to save.
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