Friday, July 3, 2009
Michael Jackson - Bombshell discovery in drug addiction by dr sober companion and the today show on NBC
How does Dr. Sober Companion know so much about dead celebrity drug addicts like Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and living celebrities headed down the same road of self destruction?
As part of the dr sober project, Dr. Sober Companion wanted superior intelligence to always know the latest trends in drug and alcohol addiction, drug addicts drugs of choice, how they are administered and hidden (i.e. trans dermal patches, puffers, asthma inhalants), doctor shopping, pharmacy shopping and how celebrities find their doctor feel goods.
Dr. Sober Companion hired a special staff with superior knowledge to be able to infiltrate high end rehab programs, AA (12 step) meetings, NA (12 step) meetings and report back to dr. Sober Companion. Because we are located in Los Angeles, we are living in the same "inner circle" as the Hollywood elite.
Another Dr. Sober Companion Bombshell about enablers and 12 step.
Dr. Sober Companion is not behind the 12 step "group" approach, nor is he behind over glorified luxury hotels or mansions parading as rehab centers, where addicts learn from each other.
Dr. Sober Companion is about total abstinence from drugs and alcohol, and complete removal from enablers old and new. You cannot remove enablers if you place the client with a brand new "group" of enablers.
Another Bombshell is knowing that these meetings of addicts are like a prep school for learning to be a better drug addict. Where they learn from their new best friends the latest techniques, better highs through experimental drugs, best doctors to visit and total cost involved, best pharmacies and drug stores, which symptoms go with which prescriptions. Cheapest generics of a drug addicts favorite prescriptions. This is where a drug addict goes to graduate to the closest they have ever been to death from addiction. Those that survive an overdose, return for a refresher course through the revolving door.
After reading the dr. sober companion blog at, NBC "the today show" producers contacted us. NBC was only to happy to interview Dr. Sober Companion and some of his staff.
By sending in a pseudo enabler or entourage of a celebrity, they wanted to demonstrate how celebrities obtain and continue their drug addiction, without ever setting foot in a medical office or hospital until being admitted for the morgue and autopsy.
Dr. Sober would never work against the health industry he is a part of, and is not into this form of crusading to try to destroy medical doctors who over prescribe the drugs of choice of celebrity drug addicts and non celebrities who have the money to see their doctor when their schedule permits and pay for their own prescriptions to avoid scrutiny by the health insurance companies.
While many news sources were fishing for prescription drug abuse from the michael jackson entourage, they were asking people like personal trainer to michael jackson, mr. Lou Ferrigno, who would not have been famous as the muscular green hulk, if it were not for his very own drug addiction to steroids. (steroids)
What NBC and the Today Show was asking for, was to much for Dr. Sober Companion to participate in. This may have cost the jobs of some of my employee's who NBC managed to convince to continue the undercover sting. We will know for certain only after the segment airs. (The TV segment is now questionable whether it airs or not?)
Unfortunately, some of the dr. Sober Companion staff became users of the latest pharmaceutical drugs and replacement therapies themselves.
While Dr. Sober Companion was never a drug user and never a drug addict or alcoholic, some of the staff was not as strong, and gave in to temptation.
Some of the dr. sober companion staff were hired because of their previous addiction and knowledge to penetrate all levels of defense and road blocks, to enter the "inner circle" of the celebrities world of drug addiction.
We never recruited clients or staff during our investigations, because that would compromise our project.
While dr. Sober Companion did not previously perform drug testing of his staff, as a tribute to the honesty and character of his special investigative employees, they stepped forward in admitting their drug and alcohol use.
Because of the type of help dr. sober companion provides on a 24 hour 7 day a week basis, dr. sober companion demands abstinence from drug and alcohol (but not of sex), of his sober companions, staff and the same for his clients.
Those special force of investigative employee's were never involved with direct care of clients, and they will continue their duties to reveal and uncover the latest trends in drug and alcohol abuse.
New clients come from several sources including TV appearances, website, satisfied client referrals, professional referrals by medical doctor, DUI Lawyer's amongst other legal means to save the clients life. We are very concerned and devoted to giving the highest degree of anonymity to the client.
Please watch our upcoming interview and expose on NBC TV "the today show" airing in July, 2009
Dr sober companion may not be available for interview.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
why does debbie rowe want restraining order from michael jackson father joe jackson?
Dr. Sober Companion is disgusted at this parents actions.
The child abuse sometimes starts with emotional or physical abuse or both, and continues with maybe the worst form of child abuse of them all; "enabling".
Dr. Sober Companion continues to see a pattern of child abuse and enabling by parents and its growing worse every day.
The parents are sometimes the worst enabler in the entire entourage. The parents and the entire entourage are all enablers, whom love their meal ticket, have become accustomed to their new comfort level and would not want to jeopardize that sweetened financial arrangement by the parent actually speaking out against the destructive behaviors of their children.
What is an enabler?
Destructive behaviors that could cause the demise of the meal ticket such as drug addiction, alcoholism, self mutilation, must not be scrutinized, chastised or told to refrain from by the entourage if they want to continue their good lives. They see it as a fun roller coaster in a theme park, that they want to ride as much as they can, until the park closes or the host of their fun expires.
Why do the children need a restraining order from Joe Jackson?
While in the current Michael Jackson children situation, it is entirely possible that being awarded custody by Debbie Rowe, might really be because Debbie Rowe is less concerned about the possible threat of child abuse of Michael Jackson's 3 children by their grandfather Joe Jackson, and more about getting a monthly living expense, not currently accounted for in Michael Jackson's will. While Debbie Rowe has already been given her payoff for what she was hired to do, that appears to not be enough. (It will be interesting to know who is giving her advice and who she will show up to court with?)
The fact that Debbie Rowe wants to separate the 3 children, and only take Paris and Michael Jr., is criminal in itself for the psychological damage that comes with separating children of a recently deceased family member. This action of separation, could be enough to drive the children into psychological damage for life.
Even if Debbie Rowe proves through DNA testing that she is the biological mother, she only gets Paris and Michael Jr., while the true damage is in separation of the 3 Michael Jackson Children.
While I only speculate about Michael Jackson, we now have proof via Debbie Rowe, that Joe Jackson is toxic. Why else would Debbie Rowe seek a restraining order to keep Joe Jackson away from the children?
Please save your child's life.
With all the damage that parents can do to their children by enabling out of selfishness, it becomes clear that the most damage can come from parents. Dr. Sober Companion takes ALL enablers out of the equation. Dr. Sober Companion's goal is to keep his clients alive by removing enablers.
Talk to your children!
Are you an enabler? Please tell your children the truth no matter what the outcome is in your entourage status. At least you will be able to live with yourself, and your children might even surprise you by actually listening.
Dr. Sober Companion is Dr. Rob Tencer DC, BS
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The parents of michael jackson are using doctor conrad murray as the fall guy?
This is not a conspiracy theory, but proof that enablers can ruin a life.
In a strategic communications or damage control move by someone hired in the michael jackson camp, (perhaps his parents), the deflection of guilt has begun for the death of a famous drug addict, even more famous than heath ledger. How long have they been planning this charade?
Dr. Conrad Murray was selected by michael jackson and paid by his concert promoter Randy Phillips, president and CEO of AEG Live, the company promoting Jackson's tour. The perfect fall guy to take the blame for the death of michael jackson. A doctor with a past of money problems and legal issues easily reviewed by the internet or a simple credit check. (or a team of nearly out of work reporters, fighting to keep their jobs)
What fan of Michael Jackson would not want to work with an icon? Dr. Murray was easy to obtain and manipulate. Dr. Murray needed the money and made a deal with the devil, that would cost him his license and his dignity as a human being.
For this fall guy to refuse all that was promised to him, was far to much to turn down. He was bought and paid for, and this alone is why he should not be to blame. It is true that Dr. Murray, was Jackson's physician for three years, but even with a history with Michael, the drug addiction started before michael found the latest in a line of "yes" doctors. Dr. Murray surely made the wrong choices and will suffer everything that comes along with those life decisions.
We know Michael had a drug addiction because of a lawsuit in 2007 between Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills vs. Michael Jackson for allegedly not paying a pharmacy bill grand total: $101,926.66. Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills sued Michael Jackson, claiming he agreed to "pay the purchase price of any prescription medications filled." We have the news reporters to thank, for uncovering this fact.
It was also reported in the news, that the concert promoter took several massive insurance policies out on the chance the tour would be canceled. The insurance company required medical physicals before agreeing to insure AEG.
The concert tour promoter Randy Phillips, president and CEO of AEG Live, said that sometime in February 2009, Michael Jackson submitted to "five-plus hours of physicals that the insurance underwriter insisted on. The concert promoter was told Michael Jackson passed with flying colors."
If anyone did more than a 5 hours battery of medical physicals designed to detect health problems, drugs in the system, severe weight loss or needle pricks from the daily or hourly injections of a full blown addict and then cleared the patient, you would have to say the physical exam was a joke.
Michael Jackson, in poor health and highly addicted to drugs would have certainly tested positive to real tests and should have failed the exams. Do you really think this can be blamed on a single doctor, and not a larger entity of people? Its like saying Madoff did it all without knowledge of anyone else in his company.
What other medical doctors and labs were part of this scam? You would have to also blame the medical lab and even the phlebotomist who drew the blood and urine samples, and whomever was involved in this scam to hide the true health of Michael Jackson.
Randy Phillips said AEG Live held multiple insurance policies covering cancellation of the shows. If the truth is uncovered about the true health of the drug addict Michael Jackson, then Randy Phillips and AEG wil never collect.
Dr. Sober Companion does not see how the parents are not to blame for creating what michael jackson became.
You as a parent can turn your childrens life around before its to late, remove the enablers from your childs life, and save their life. You want to help your children don't you? Dr. Sober Companion is here to help save your child's life. Dr. Sober Companion is beyond reproach. If you are the enabler of your child, then your child is in big trouble. Just look at what happened to Michael Jackson as a reality check.
Friday, June 26, 2009
will damage control hide what drugs were in michael jackson system
Will the parents go after the doctor? What licensed doctors will lose their medical license over michael jackson's death?
In a recent poem by Alex Balk, he wrote:
“Who killed Michael Jackson?”
“I,” said the Doctor,
“From my needle he got that last Demerol shot.
I killed Michael Jackson.”
The truth of the matter is, you don't need to be michael jackson to die of over prescribed medications. You don't need to be michael jackson or a celebrity to be addicted to drugs.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
parents care enough to sue the doctor that over prescribed and killed their son
Parents around the world are witness to their childrens addiction to drugs. Its not the parents fault for placing their trust in a licensed medical doctor who destroy families.
Sometimes the guilty doctor takes the blame for over prescribing pharmaceutical medications like Percocet, Oxycontin, Xanax and Lorcet to a parents child who eventually became addicted to them. This addiction to drugs caused a mental illness that made the victim kill his wife and child.
It should not only be the doctor to blame but the pharmaceutical companies who produce the drugs. What do you think?
Don't you think its time for dr. sober companion?
The following article appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Thursday, June 11, 2009
Family sues wrestler Chris Benoit’s doctor
Wrongful death suit filed in federal court in Newnan
A Carrollton doctor who prescribed drugs to professional wrestler Chris Benoit should pay for the lives of the wrestler’s deceased wife and son, the victims’ family says.
On Wednesday, the family filed a wrongful death suit in U.S. District Court against Dr. Phil Carroll Astin III and three unnamed drug distributors.
The suit claims the doctor and distributors prescribed drugs that caused Benoit to strangle his wife Nancy and smother 7-year-old son Daniel inside their Fayette County home in 2007.
Astin is now serving a 10-year prison sentence for illegally dispensing drugs.
Astin’s lawyer, Natasha Perdew Silas, could not be immediately reached for comment.
The suit claims that Astin prescribed painkillers, steroids and muscle relaxants to Benoit from June 2000 to June 23, 2007 – the day Benoit killed his family and then hanged himself.
The suit alleges that Astin has a responsibility to monitor Benoit and warn him of the side effects of the drugs. The suit also includes an affidavit by a veteran Long Island sports medicine doctor, who reviewed Benoit’s medical records.
The physician, Dr. Gary Wadler, found that Astin prescribed Benoit the medication without proper diagnosis or monitoring. The drugs ultimately caused Benoit’s “mental, physical, emotional and/or behavioral health to deteriorate to extent he killed” his family, Wadler said.
“It is my opinion, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty and medical probability, that Astin was negligent in his care and treatment of Benoit,” wrote Wadler, a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s board.
The suit seeks financial damages to cover the “full value” of the deceased lives, along with money for pain, suffering and expenses. The suit requests a jury trial.
Nancy Benoit’s parents, Maureen and Paul Toffoloni of Florida, filed the suit in U.S. District Court in Newnan. The Toffoloni’s handle Nancy and Daniel Benoit’s estate.
Earlier this year, Astin pleaded guilty to writing 175 illegal prescriptions for 19 patients, including two that died of drug overdoses. Federal prosecutors argued that Astin illegally prescribed drugs such as Percocet, Oxycontin, Xanax and Lorcet to professional wrestlers who eventually became addicted to them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Rehab does not work says a British TV show
Unfortunately for the person trying to quit, they are with experts who will teach them tricks to hide and continue being a drug addict and or alcoholic that they never would have dreamed of by themselves. Like a room full of cooks, giving each other cooking tips. This is a recipe for disaster.
The same holds true for AA meetings as well. Look who your company is with.
Monday, May 25, 2009
edie sedgwick tells how she was drugged and raped
Will you allow your daughter the freedom of drugs and alcohol, without a sober companion to stop her, protect her, and save her life?
Dr. Sober is disgusted by these criminals and wants to help you with your daughter who seems out of control.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
dr. sober has a new fee per day adjusted for stimulus package
click here for new fee from dr. sober companion
Monday, May 4, 2009
david hasselhoff and others need a sober companion at all times to save themselves from suicide
The message to david hasselhoff's children is clear. Alcoholics need a sober companion at all times. Especially those with the means to pay for it.
Its clear that this man has no limits on the amount he drinks, and is headed for suicide if a sober companion is not hired immediately.
dr. sober companion is available 24 / 7 and is only an email away from being there for you, your son or daughter. dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer dc
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Shia Labeouf confesses DUI one year later
Did this DUI kill someone? Will you let yourself commit a DUI? Will you kill someone DUI?
SHIA LABEOUF has confessed he should never have been behind the wheel of a vehicle the night he crashed his truck in Hollywood last September 2008. Shia LaBeouf confessed, "I had a whiskey and three beers, the fact that I ever got into the car was a mistake." Shia Labeouf also confessed: "I’m in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) now, too.
You don't have to be famous to have a problem with alcohol or an addiction to drugs, and you don't have to be a star to get into the drivers seat of a car while intoxicated.
Please admit to yourself that you, your son or daughter need help. You need dr. sober companion immediately. Please call dr. sober companion before you, your son or daughter kill themselves and the people they are driving with or the people you, your son or daughter manage to kill while committing a DUI.
The Transformers star was never charged with DUI drunk driving after the accident, even though police suspended his license, claiming the actor had failed to co-operate with them directly after the crash. Why did they not arrest him like they do for everyone else? Why let a DUI free?
Shia Lebeouf is coming clean about his DUI in a new Playboy magazine interview.
Shia LaBeouf, 22, says, "I had a whiskey and three beers. I’m not going to start speaking on law stuff now and corner myself, but the fact that I ever got into the car was a mistake."
The star is preparing for his third surgery on his shattered hand, which was badly damaged when he flipped his truck after colliding with another car - and he admits the headline-grabbing smash was a huge wake-up call.
He adds, "I’m in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) now, too. I’ve had drinks, but it has been a levelling-out process. Am I an alcoholic? I may not be. I don’t know. But I also know that, in the situation I’m in, with temptations what they are, I have no room for alcohol in my life."
dr. sober companion is dr. rob tencer dc